Self service

Have a complaint about ONVZ?

Let us know!

We do our best to serve you as well as possible. Despite this, you may be unhappy or disagree with a decision we have made. Your options in such cases are explained below.

Do you wish to file a complaint?

If you disagree with a decision we have made, or if you are dissatisfied with our services or the way we handle your personal data, you can file a complaint in one of the following ways:

  • use our special complaint form
  • send a letter to the following address:

Postbus 392
3990 GD Houten
The Netherlands

We take every complaint seriously and give complaint handling high priority. This allows us to continuously improve our services. We do not consider a request for an explanation a complaint.

Complaint about ONVZ forms

If you have a complaint about our forms being overly complicated or unnecessary, please let us know. If you are dissatisfied with our response, you can also file your complaint with the Nederlandse Zorgautoriteit (Dutch Health-Care Authority, NZa).

Nederlandse Zorgautoriteit
T.a.v. de Informatielijn/het Meldpunt
Postbus 3017
3502 GA Utrecht
The Netherlands

+31 (0)88 770 87 70

How we handle your complaint

You will receive confirmation once we have received your complaint. We will respond to your complaint within 10 working days. If we need more time, we will let you know.

Not satisfied with our response?

We aim to handle your complaint with care. However, you may not agree with our response or decision. In that case, you can contact the complaints and disputes committee Stichting Klachten en Geschillen Zorgverzekeringen.

You may also bring your complaint before the civil court. In this case, you will no longer be able to refer your complaint to SKGZ.

Complaint about your health-care provider

If you are dissatisfied with your health-care provider, let them know.



Questions? We are here whenever you need us
